Thursday, May 16, 2013


I, like many other girls love and covet our hair, we obsess, fixate, streak. touch, brush, comb, smell and any other word you can think of to/on or about our hair lol. We use these small, tiny, protein, keratin, based strands as a vein crutch of sort. Your hair for some women can be a big confidence factor, if you don't have long pretty hair you don't feel beautiful or wanted. And if your hair isn't done to the nine's then forget about going out! The way I viewed hair came to a big halt about a year and half ago, I never would of thought that chopping it all off could give you such a confidence boost. I walked around with pretty much a bald head, and as freaked out as I was, it forced me to really love my face! that same face that was always blocked with a weave, or braids, or bangs all the time. You're forced to look at yourself and love yourself on a whole other level.  Once you've become one with yourself you can then go around singing loud and proud "I am not my hair" by India Arie or even "video" by India will do you some good. :)  I'm not condoning every women to go around trimming their hair off, I just want women to get rid of their beauty crutch,  do whatever you have to do to get yourself out of your comfort zone, and get comfortable with who you are.

Below is a video of a beautiful girl shaving her head bald that I came across the other day:

And below is a pic of me a few weeks after my big chop! Almost 2 years ago:

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